Tired of dull networking events that lead nowhere? Say goodbye to wasted time and hello to a networking revolution that will transform your business game

Elevate your networking: Secure 15-20 prospects in one Night at the Business Creed Insider Referral Parties, exclusive to its members

Are you tired of attending networking events that feel like a never-ending maze?

You invest your time and energy, only to walk away with a handful of lukewarm leads, if any. Frustration kicks in as you realize these events rarely yield the results you crave.

You have just spent hours exchanging business cards, awkward small talk, and a bunch of handshakes that vanish into thin air.

It's time to break free from the cycle of disappointment. How many more uninspiring networking events will you endure before you find the golden ticket to a room full of potential clients who are genuinely interested in what you offer?

Now, imagine walking into a room buzzing with excitement, where every conversation has a purpose and every interaction is a step towards business growth.

Our carefully curated event brings together forward-thinking professionals like you, all seeking meaningful connections.

No more guessing games; just focused, productive conversations that can turn into fruitful partnerships.

Forget feeling like you're navigating the business world in a vast, lonely sea. We get it. We've all been there, battling challenges without a supportive crew by our side.

And yes, we know the sting of brainstorming solo and your competitors seemingly having a secret sauce.

It's like they're sipping champagne while you're stuck with lukewarm coffee.

And don't even get us started on those nights when uncertainty hits, and you're one Google search away from a rabbit hole of contradictory advice.

Fear not, because here comes your lifeboat – Business Creed Insider!

Imagine being part of a lively community where ambitious minds collide. Swap stories, share tactics, and rub shoulders with fellow go-getters who just "get it."

Our monthly meetups are more than handshakes; they're lead-swapping, idea-exploding sessions that will fuel your business fire.

If you ever had that feeling of attending networking events where you're lost in the crowd

Engaging in awkward small talk, exchanging business cards, and hoping for a meaningful connection that never materialized

Then you are going to love Business Creed Insider because there is none of that.

Imagine stepping into a room filled with individuals who genuinely want to help you succeed. A space where introductions are more than just polite gestures – they're opportunities waiting to be seized.

Welcome to the world of Business Creed Insider Referral Parties! In just an hour, we're about to turn your networking game on its head.

Brace yourself for a refreshing change.

No more wasting time on vague encounters. Our Referral Parties at Business Creed Insider are designed to put you in touch with individuals who are actively looking for what you offer.

Business Creed Insider offers the perfect breeding ground for partnerships and collaborations.

Join forces with eager entrepreneurs to co-create ventures that stand out. Whether it's game-changing projects or innovative ventures, your partners-in-crime are right here.

Beyond transactions, it's relationships that truly define success.

Forge connections that matter, connections that amplify your professional journey. No more chasing after hollow interactions.

Plus, gain access to a vault of resources that supercharges your business. A place where you can refine strategies, learn new techniques, and stay ahead of the curve

Welcome to the Business Insider Vault – your treasure trove of resources, masterclasses, and templates.

Boost your marketing game with exclusive access to tools designed to fuel your success. No more sifting through scattered information.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to join a community committed to your triumph. Business Creed Insider is your gateway to meaningful connections, invaluable insights, and collaborative spaces. Elevate your business journey – join us today!

Ready to experience the difference? Join Business Creed Insider and embark on a journey that propels your business and connections to new heights.

How could this community membership support your business?

Imagine, you're the founder of a tech startup attending a Referral Party hosted by Business Creed Insider.

There, you engage with fellow entrepreneurs – a UX/UI designer, a software developer, a business strategist, an investor, and a marketing expert.

Each of them introduces you to connections who can potentially invest in your startup, provide valuable insights, or offer partnership opportunities.

As a result, your startup gains access to funding, expertise, and strategic collaborations that propel it toward success. Through these referrals, you witness how your startup's growth potential multiplies within a supportive network.

Perhaps, you're a marketing consultant attending a Business Creed Insider Referral Party.

In the room, you connect with professionals from various industries – a graphic designer, a copywriter, a web developer, a social media manager, and a content strategist.

Each of them provides you with referrals to clients who need comprehensive marketing strategies. As a result, your client roster expands to include businesses seeking to revamp their online presence and boost their digital marketing efforts.

Your expertise becomes sought-after, and your consulting business experiences a surge in demand, thanks to the power of targeted referrals.

Maybe you're a CPA attending a Business Creed Insider Referral Party. In the room, you connect with professionals from various fields – a small business owner, a tax attorney, a financial planner, an investment banker, and a bookkeeper.

Each of them introduces you to potential clients who are seeking expert financial guidance, tax planning, and accounting services. As a result, your client base expands to include individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs looking to optimize their financial strategies.

Your reputation as a trusted CPA gains traction, and your practice experiences a surge in inquiries and consultations, all thanks to the power of targeted referrals.

These referrals open doors to new clients, partnerships, and opportunities, showcasing the remarkable potential of networking within a thriving community.

That’s exactly what happens with Referral Parties at Business Creed Insider, a community for entrepreneurs and founders..


Allow us to present an irresistible proposition that will elevate your professional journey and unlock a realm of endless possibilities.

As a member, you'll gain exclusive access to a prestigious array of top-of-the-line events, workshops, and seminars meticulously designed to expand your knowledge and enhance your skill set.

Immerse yourself in a world where expertise reigns supreme. Rub shoulders with industry leaders and visionary minds who have conquered the business landscape.

Our platform offers you the invaluable opportunity to connect with these influential figures, benefiting from their mentorship and guidance as you navigate your own path to success.

But that's merely the tip of the iceberg - Business Creed Insider thrives on delivering luxurious experiences that surpass your expectations.

As a member, you'll be granted VIP access to meticulously curated events, ensuring you're always at the forefront of groundbreaking consulting and tech industry developments.

In addition, indulge in exclusive perks and benefits,attend Referral parties that has for a goal to introduce you to 10 to 25 prospects for your business.

Starting at USD$297 every 3 month

  • Network with Like-Minded Individuals: Connect with a diverse group of driven entrepreneurs, founders, consultants, and freelancers who share your passion and drive. Forge valuable relationships, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects that can propel your business forward.ication

  • Unparalleled Support and Guidance: Tap into the collective knowledge and experience of our community members. Get expert advice, insights, and mentorship from seasoned professionals who have navigated the same challenges you face. Receive valuable feedback and gain fresh perspectives that can help you make informed decisions.

  • Solve Problems Faster: Encounter a roadblock in your business? Need assistance with team management, hiring, pricing, or structuring deals? With Business Creed Insider, you can leverage the expertise of our community to find solutions faster. Benefit from the collective wisdom of individuals who have overcome similar obstacles and can provide actionable strategies to help you overcome hurdles.

  • Stay Ahead of Industry Trends: As part of the community, you'll be at the forefront of the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in your industry. Gain insights into emerging technologies, marketing strategies, and business models that can give you a competitive edge. Stay informed, adapt to changes, and position yourself for long-term success.

  • Access Exclusive Resources: Enjoy exclusive access to a wealth of resources, such as webinars, workshops, and educational materials designed to enhance your entrepreneurial skills. From expert-led training sessions to in-depth guides, you'll have the tools and knowledge necessary to refine your craft, optimize your operations, and maximize your growth potential.

  • Boost Your Confidence and Motivation: Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals can boost your confidence, motivation, and resilience. Share your wins, celebrate your milestones, and find encouragement during challenging times. Through shared experiences and mutual support, you'll find the inspiration and motivation to keep pushing forward.

  • Expand Your Business Network: Discover new opportunities for partnerships, collaborations, and joint ventures within the Business Creed Insider community. Forge valuable connections with potential clients, investors, and industry influencers who can open doors to exciting ventures and expansion possibilities.

  • Stay Accountable and Focused: Being part of a community of ambitious entrepreneurs helps you stay accountable to your goals. Engage in regular discussions, set milestones, and receive support and encouragement to stay focused on your entrepreneurial journey. With the support of fellow members, you'll cultivate discipline, productivity, and the drive to achieve your vision.

But, USD$297 every 3 months ?

That $297 a month feeling like it's putting a dent in your wallet? We get it, budget concerns are real. But let's unravel this a bit further

Consider this - You've maybe been on the online business journey for five long years, aiming for that 5k a month income goal. If you had started back then, you'd have already pocketed a cool 60k by now. Instead, you might feel like you're trailing behind.

Or, you might just have launched your business 3 months back, in this case, you are trailing a whole USD $15K behind so far.

Now, here's where it gets exciting.

Imagine joining this community, attending a single event, and walking away with a whopping 15 appointments. Even if you're not a sales superstar and only manage to close 3 deals at $1k each, you've not just covered that $297 quarterly investment, but you're on your way to turning the tide in your favor.

Wouldn't that be worth the investment?

Don't let doubt hold you back. Your potential for financial success is within reach.

Our Guarantee: We want to ensure you are satisfied. If you have attended 3 meetings, and you have not gotten a single client, we will personally coach you on how close sales, free of charge

As you can see, membership in The Business Creed Insider Club comes with incredible value and extra benefits.

However, We must admit The Club isn’t for everyone.

If you don’t like surprises, or you don’t like to change the way you approach marketing and business, then The Business Creed Insider Club isn’t for you

If you don't believe in the power of networking & building relationships, then The Business Creed Insider Club isn’t for you

(And YES, you must have a product or service to sell, or at least be thinking about creating one.).


You'll gain a substantial competitive edge and supercharge your business growth. With Business Creed Insider, you'll possess the tools and knowledge to master the art of persuasive copywriting, optimize your sales process, create compelling content, conduct impactful discovery calls, and design converting sales pages.

Join Business Creed Insider today and unlock the full potential of these benefits. Elevate your business, stand out from the competition, and achieve the extraordinary success you've always envisioned.

Persuasive Copywriting Masterclass

Unleash the power of words with our Persuasive Copywriting Masterclass. Learn proven techniques and strategies to craft compelling, persuasive copy that captivates your audience, drives conversions, and boosts your sales to new heights.

Sales Process Design Masterclass

Take control of your sales process and optimize it for maximum results. Our Sales Process Design Masterclass equips you with the knowledge and tools to streamline your sales funnel, increase efficiency, and convert leads into loyal customers. Gain insights into creating a seamless customer journey that leaves a lasting impression.

Content Conversion Framework Template

Unlock the secret to creating content that converts. Our Content Conversion Framework Template guide you in crafting high-converting content across various platforms. From engaging blog posts to persuasive social media captions, this template will help you captivate your audience, build trust, and drive action.

Discovery Call Script

Make every discovery call a game-changer with our expertly crafted Discovery Call Script. This script is designed to help you uncover your prospect's pain points, effectively communicate your value proposition, and close deals with confidence. Elevate your sales conversations and turn potential clients into enthusiastic buyers.

Converting Sales Copy Page Template

Leave a lasting impact with our Converting Sales Copy Page Template. Create persuasive, visually appealing sales pages that entice and engage your audience. Craft irresistible offers, showcase your unique selling points, and guide your visitors seamlessly through the buying process. Increase your conversions and watch your revenue soar.

Additional Resources added monthly along with your

Paid Discovery Roadmap. Elevate your consultative selling game with our sales script for Paid Discovery Calls.Revolutionize your client acquisition process with our expertly designed Sales Script. Confidently engage prospects, communicate the value of paid discovery, and convert leads into paying clients seamlessly.

With Business Creed Insider, you'll have the tools and knowledge to master the art of persuasive copywriting, optimize your sales process, create compelling content, conduct impactful discovery calls, and design converting sales pages.

Join Business Creed Insider today and unlock the full potential of these features. Elevate your business, stand out from the crowd, and achieve the success you've always envisioned.


We have the answers!

What will my learning outcomes be?

By joining Business Creed Insider, you can expect to achieve the following learning outcomes:

Master the Art of Persuasive Copywriting: Acquire proven techniques and strategies to craft compelling and persuasive copy that captivates your audience, drives conversions, and increases your sales. Enhance your ability to effectively communicate your brand's message and value proposition.

Optimize Your Sales Process: Gain the knowledge and tools to streamline your sales process for maximum efficiency and results. Learn how to identify and address bottlenecks, improve lead conversion rates, and nurture customer relationships to increase loyalty and revenue.

Create High-Converting Content: Unlock the secret to creating content that resonates with your target audience and drives action. Learn how to craft engaging blog posts, social media captions, and other content pieces using the Content Conversion Framework Template provided. Build trust, establish authority, and generate higher conversion rates.

Conduct Impactful Discovery Calls: Develop the skills and confidence to conduct discovery calls that uncover your prospect's pain points, effectively communicate your value proposition, and close deals. Use the Discovery Call Script to guide your conversations, ask the right questions, and build strong connections with potential clients.

Design Converting Sales Pages: Learn how to create visually appealing sales pages that capture attention, engage visitors, and drive conversions. Utilize the Converting Sales Copy Page Template to craft persuasive offers, showcase your unique selling points, and guide prospects seamlessly through the buying process.

When can I enroll in the the membership?

You can enroll at any time and gain immediate access to all the exclusive features, masterclasses, templates, and resources that the community has to offer. Don't wait to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your entrepreneurial journey. Join Business Creed Insider today and start unlocking the tools and knowledge you need to accelerate your business growth.

Will I get any additional resources with my membership?

Absolutely! As a valued member of Business Creed Insider, you will have access to a wealth of additional resources designed to support your entrepreneurial endeavors. These resources include:

Exclusive Webinars: Gain access to informative and engaging webinars hosted by industry experts. Deepen your knowledge on various business topics, stay up-to-date with the latest trends, and learn actionable strategies to propel your success.

Resource Library: Explore our extensive resource library filled with e-books, guides, templates, and case studies monthly. Whether you need guidance on marketing strategies, sales techniques, or business planning, you'll find a wealth of valuable resources at your fingertips.

Community Forums: Engage with fellow entrepreneurs, founders, consultants, and freelancers in our community forums. Seek advice, share experiences, and collaborate on projects. Tap into the collective wisdom of like-minded individuals who understand the challenges and triumphs of the entrepreneurial journey.

Expert Q&A Sessions: Get the opportunity to participate in live Q&A sessions with industry experts and thought leaders. Ask your burning questions, gain valuable insights, and receive expert guidance tailored to your specific business needs.

Networking Events: Connect with other members through virtual networking events designed to facilitate meaningful connections and potential partnerships. Expand your professional network, explore collaboration opportunities, and surround yourself with a supportive community of ambitious entrepreneurs.

Business Creed Founder & Community Host

Tanya Kabuya is the editor-in-chief of Business Creed Magazine, & the founder of Wizz Digital Group, comprised of Wizz Digital Marketing, a strategy consultancy that assists Tech Startups & consulting businesses to grow their audiences, attract clients, and cultivate brand recognition through social media and other digital assets, as well as Wizz Digital Academy, an advisory and coaching company empowering growing Tech-enabled companies to scale their revenue engine with enhanced marketing & sales proficiency, while breaking the founder free from the grind